Find EMDR-accredited therapists in your area

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It is important to see a therapist who is properly qualified, having undertaken EMDR Europe authorised training. All therapists listed on this site are accredited. This means they have proven levels of experience and competency.

See also: A-Z index of therapists
Or if you know the name of the therapist you're looking for you can search by their name or visit our A-Z index.

Search tips

  • The search is most effective using place names such as cities, towns and counties
  • If there are no results, check spelling
  • You can leave the town/city field blank if you want to filter just by specialisms (e.g. trainer, children and adolescents) regardless of region
  • Click on map markers to view information on a therapist, and click their name to view a page with more detail
  • To start over at any time, click "Clear results"