We are pleased to offer several EMDR webinars freely available to interested parties, whether you are an Association member or not. (You can learn more about becoming a member here.)

Several free webinars about the delivery of Online EMDR Therapy are available on Dropbox

In addition the new NHS/UCL Competence Framework For EMDR Therapy was presented as a “Free to all” webinar hosted by the Association and delivered by Oenone Dudley in 2021  Oenone Dudley – Downloads and Recording – EMDR Events (emdrassociationevents.org.uk)

If you are a Member of the Association then more webinars are available to you via the members areaPlease login here and navigate to the relevant section. Subjects including Pain, Autism, GDPR, the Dream Completion Technique, Mindfulness and working with train drivers. 

If you are an EMDR Therapist and would like to offer a free webinar to your colleagues we would love to hear from you – please contact Maxine Sherrell at m.sherrell@emdrassociation.org.uk

Please also visit the EMDR Association UK Training Events Official Website www.emdrassociationevents.org.uk. Here members and Guests can find a range of low cost and high quality EMDR CPD events giving insight to best practice and contemporary research findings.